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The RoactCompat package is designed to have the same interface as legacy Roact. This should allow easier adoption of React Lua in existing Roact code.

RoactCompat is fully compatible with all React Lua logic. In particular, you may wish to use RoactCompat in combination with the React and ReactRoblox packages that provide the new interface.


RoactCompat is not compatible with legacy Roact in any way. It should be used only as a drop-in replacement for legacy Roact, for the purposes of upgrading existing projects written for legacy Roact.


Re-exports React.Component.


Re-exports React.PureComponent.


Re-exports React.createElement.


Re-exports React.createContext.


Re-exports React.createRef.


Re-exports React.forwardRef.


    element: ReactElement,
    container: Instance?,
    name: string?
): RoactTree

Compatibility method mimicking legacy Roact.mount.

For all intents and purposes, this should function equivalently to legacy Roact's mount function. Under the hood, RoactCompat takes the following steps:

  1. Creates a root using React.createRoot
  2. Calls root:render with the provided element
    • React's roots take complete control of the provided container, deleting all existing children. Legacy Roact does not tamper with existing children of the provided container. To mimic the legacy behavior, we use a Portal to mount into the container instead of providing it directly to the root.
    • When _G.__ROACT_17_INLINE_ACT__ is enabled, the render call is automatically wrapped in ReactRoblox.act to ensure that mounting behavior resolves synchronously in tests.
  3. Returns an opaque handle to the root that can be used with RoactCompat.update and RoactCompat.unmount


RoactCompat.update(tree: RoactTree, element: ReactElement): RoactTree

Compatibility method mimicking legacy Roact.update.

The first argument should be the value returned from a prior call to RoactCompat.mount or RoactCompat.update. This function will not work if the argument passed in was created with legacy Roact.


RoactCompat.unmount(tree: RoactTreeHandle)

Compatibility method mimicking legacy Roact.unmount.


RoactCompat.createFragment(elements: { [string | number]: ReactElement }): ReactElement

Compatibility method mimicking Roact.createFragment. Uses the special component React.Fragment under the hood.


    children: { [string | number]: ReactElement } | ReactElement | nil
): ReactElement

Compatibility method mimicking Roact.oneChild. This function is similar to React.Children.only, but provides additional functionality to unwrap a table that may contain a single element.


RoactCompat.setGlobalConfig(configValues: { [string]: boolean })

Compatibility method mimicking Roact.setGlobalConfig. This does not apply to React Lua, so calling this function is a no-op.


If you need to apply global configuration to React Lua, you can do so by setting global values (see Configuration docs)


Compatibility component mimicking Roact.Portal. Uses the React.createPortal function under the hood.


Compatibility field that mimics the special symbol key Roact.Ref. In RoactCompat, the Ref field is simply equal to the string "ref", which is a reserved prop key in React Lua.

This allows prop tables that are written for legacy Roact:

Roact.createElement("TextLabel", {
    Text = "Hello",
    [Roact.Ref] = textLabelRef,
}) be equivalent to prop tables written for React Lua, which uses "ref" as a reserved prop name:

Roact.createElement("TextLabel", {
    Text = "Hello",
    ref = textLabelRef,


Compatibility field that mimics the special symbol key Roact.Children. In RoactCompat, the Children field is simply equal to the string "children", which is a reserved prop key in React Lua.

This allows prop tables that are written for legacy Roact:

-- forwards the children provided to this component
Roact.createElement("Frame", nil, self.props[Roact.Children]) be equivalent to prop tables written for React Lua, which uses "children" as a reserved prop name:

-- forwards the children provided to this component
Roact.createElement("Frame", nil, self.props.children)


This is not to be confused with React.Children, which is a set of utilities for transforming or interacting with sets of children passed to createElement.


Re-exports React.None.


Re-exports React.Event.


Re-exports React.Change.


Re-exports ReactRoblox.createBinding.


Re-exports ReactRoblox.joinBindings.


Re-exports ReactRoblox.act.